Space Qualified Hardware

Astronaut Wendy B. Lawrence, flight engineer and mission specialist for STS-67, scribbles notes on the margin of a checklist while monitoring an experiment on the Space Shuttle Endeavour's mid-deck. She is working in front of the Commercial Materials Dispersion Apparatus Instrumentation Technology Associates Experiment (CMIX).



Space Shuttle STS-67 astronaut William Gregory activating LMA vials in orbit.





Materials Dispersion Apparatus (MDA)

The Materials Dispersion Apparatus (MDA) is an automated space processing laboratory developed by ITA for fluid/fluid or fluid/solid mixing. It is a mature hardware device flown for the past 11 years and is capable of providing multiple data samples, up to 100 per unit, and 400 per flight, for a variety of science and commercial experiments during the same mission.

Dual Materials Dispersion Apparatus (DMDA)

The Dual Materials Dispersion Apparatus (DMDA) provides more data points; 350 samples per unit and up to 1,000 samples in a Shuttle Middeck locker. The Dual Materials Dispersion Apparatus- Optical (DMDA-O) is equipped with a 150x video microscope camera and provides three levels of fluid containment.

Protein Crystallization Unit (PCU)

The Dual Materials Dispersion Apparatus (DMDA) Crystallization unit is an automated microgravity processing laboratory for the growth of protein crystals. It has flownon the Mir Space Station and the Space Shuttle.

Liquids Mixing Apparatus (LMA)

The Liquids Mixing Apparatus (LMA) has enhanced volume capabilities and can mix 2 or 3 fluids sequentially following a prescribed timeline. The LMA has three levels of fluid containment. The LMA's have flown on the Space Shuttle and are scheduled to fly on board Mir.

Microencapsulation Processing System (MEPS)

The Microencapsulation Processing System (MEPS) facility has been developed by ITA jointly with the Institute for Research of Houston, Texas. MEPS produces micro-spheres in space for use in drug delivery to affected organs.

Hardware for the NASA Get-Away Special (GAS) Program

The ITA Standardized Experiment Module for GAS (ISEM-G) fits within the NASA Space Shuttle Cannister.

Hardware for the NASA Hitchhiker Program

The ITA Standardized Experiment Module (ISEM-H) is compatible with both the NASA Marshall and NASA Goddard Space Shuttle Hitchhiker Carriers.

Re-entry vehicle/re-entry capsule space-flight instrumentation

In addition to it's space microgravity processing hardware, ITA also has on the market a variety of inexpensive flight sensors to measure space vehicle's heat transfer and ablation in flight.

ITA continues to adapt its equipment and develop new hardware based upon customer requirements and needs.

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